Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Still so tribal ...

I'm amazed to see how tribal we still are nowadays. If you're in my tribe then I care for you and I have all the patience and love in the world, I feel for you and I sympathize with your pain and happiness, but, if you're in the tribe from across the street I most likely will judge you harshly and won't go the extra step to help you.

I find this to be true in many different levels that range from the individuals to societies and countries. I see it happening in my family and friends circles as well as in whole communities when it comes to politics and wars.

This is so animal, so primitive, that it is really time for us to realize it makes no sense at all. We're all persons and the person walking by in front of me has the same human nature that I do, they'll feel pain and excitement in the same way I do and I need to feel compassion for them all the same I would for someone on my tribe as my kids or my best friend.

When in my Buddhist meditation class I heard my teacher talk about equanimity and this universal compassion feeling I felt so relieved that I wasn't totally crazy for thinking like this.

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